Broken dentures can cause massive disruption to a denture wearer’s life and is thus considered a dental emergency. Without dentures, speaking and eating will be affected. In turn, self-confidence will plummet, with further damage to mental and emotional wellbeing.
Dentures can break for a variety of reasons, despite withstanding the pressure of the jawbone. For example, a denture is vulnerable to the following accidents: dropping your dentures onto a hard surface or heat damage, if boiling water is used during cleaning.
Usually, a broken denture is relatively easy to repair, however you should never attempt to repair it on your own as this could result in further damage. Immediately contact our team at Gosforth Dental Surgery, and we will fix any damaged or broken dentures to bring your smile back to life.
Attempting to repair it yourself may end up resulting in further damage to your dentures as most often the home or DIY repair could make them impossible to repair again. If your denture breaks:
At our Newcastle Dental Practice, we repair most of the broken dentures within the same day. If, however, the damage is extensive, more time may be necessary to repair your dentures.
Most dentures end up damaged or even broken when they are accidentally dropped during the cleaning process, especially when a denture falls on a hard surface, like a ceramic floor or a washbasin. Dentures may instead have a fracture or a crack line, and that would mean that your denture no longer has the strength to withstand the biting forces. That would mean that your dentures are most likely going to break any time very soon, so if that is your case, contact our Newcastle Dental Practice to arrange a consultation with one of our dentists.
At Gosforth Dental Surgery, we understand that it is an emergency situation for you and quite stressful. The time it will take us to repair your denture will depend on how badly it is damaged or broken. During the denture assessment, your dentist will advise you on how long it will take. On average, most broken dentures can be repaired within the same day.
We can usually repair almost all cracked or fractured dentures, so keep all the parts that you can find in a safe place until you can bring them to us. Almost all the acrylic “plastic” dentures can be repaired by joining the broken denture with some new acrylic. If your dentures are quite old and have broken several times, it may be necessary to have a new set made. During your consultation at our Newcastle Dental Practice, your dentist will discuss with you all the options available for you.
We strongly advise against buying a denture repair kit online or from the chemist. Despite the initial lower cost in the long term your denture may be very uncomfortable to wear and may occur further breakage and as a result you may have to encounter higher costs later.
One of the most common reasons that people break their dentures is when they drop them in the sink. We therefore always recommend that whenever you clean your dentures it is a good idea to fill the sink with a couple of inches of water. Then if you accidentally drop your dentures they will fall into water and not onto a hard ceramic sink. Brush them as you would teeth and place them in a chilled glass of water to soak overnight. At Gosforth Dental Surgery, your dentist will recommend using the denture cleaning tablets to ensure that the biofilm layer is removed adequately at the end of each day and so will keep your denture feeling fresh and new for many years.
Dentures are not the only option for missing teeth. Other alternatives to dentures include dental implants and bridges. When visiting our dental practice in Newcastle, your dentist will advise you on the treatment option appropriate for you.